Foison Technology Limited

Home > Vinyl Cutter > C Stepper series
  1. C24 stepper vinyl cutter
  2. C24 stepper vinyl cutter
  3. C24 stepper vinyl cutter
  4. C24 stepper vinyl cutter

C24 stepper vinyl cutter

Adopts high-precision steel axes,can prevent slipping while cutting 3m materialsUltra pressure, capable of punching thick engineering materials10 silica gel buttons, easy-to-use and durable4*8 hi

  1. Detailed information

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSAdopts high-precision steel axes,can prevent slipping while cutting 3m materialsMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSUltra pressure, capable of punching thick 
engineering materials

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS10 silica gel buttons, easy-to-use and durableMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS4*8 high resolution LCD back light display suitable for different work surroundings

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSStable processing, low noise operation yet without zigzag while cuttingMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSUser-friendly Design , allows to adjust cutting force and working speed while

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSDelicate, high strength aluminium alloy bodyMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSC24 Vinyl Cutter Stand Optional 
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MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSUSB interface to connection computer also support hot-plugMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSSupprot Windows xp/vista/2008/ win7 32 bits/64 bits Mac system

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSUnique count function, data retention are performed even power cut-offMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSLED positioning, contour cut
function (Optional )


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